Tuesday, February 2, 2010


Every single seconds, 3 human will be born, will get the opportunity to see the earth, to see the great creature of Lord. And till now, almost 6856086141 peoples live. I am one of them. Just imagine how fast the process happens especially when it can beat time easily, a second equal to three person. Just imagine that people.

Well, honestly said, I am so glad that I could live in this earth. I can feel all the pleasure, all the treasure, all the adventure, all the things. Although most of my living time, till now, downs cover more. What can I do? Should I regret? What should I do to make it perfect? I know the answer, but I dont know the simple answer.

To conclude this, I will dare myself to work extra more, to put everything more, and I just want to be the best of everything.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hello Admin!
Perkenalkan, saya dari tim kumpulbagi. Saya ingin tau, apakah kiranya anda berencana untuk mengoleksi files menggunakan hosting yang baru?
Jika ya, silahkan kunjungi website kami www.kumpulbagi.com atau www.facebook.com/kumpulbagi/ untuk info selengkapnya.

Di sana anda bisa dengan bebas share dan mendowload foto-foto, music, video, filem dll dalam jumlah dan waktu yang tidak terbatas, setelah registrasi terlebih dahulu. Gratis :)